My crazy polyphasic sleeper

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I have a title!

I get frustrated. 90% of what Jeremy talks about is the sleep thing. I actually dread asking him about how the night went when I see him in the morning. He's more awake than I am, and he tends to go on and on. Definitely a one-sided conversation. I'm barely used to him talking at all, now I can't get him to shut up. The hardest part is I really want to be supportive. I just don't want to eat, drink and sleep polyphasic stuff.

This adjustment is very odd. The man I thought I knew is changing very quickly, rather than over a period of a few years, there is this other guy who popped into my house and he won't go away! While the bad habits are still there. It's like an uncomplete transformation and I just wish we were through this transition phase.

I am actually looking forward to having surgery next week. I can hole up in our bedroom while he takes care of the kids. I know I'll hurt like hell, but hey, if that's the only way to hide, I'll take it.

We're bickering more. It's like the whole reason (for me) for doing this has been swept aside. I want Jeremy to feel better. I also focused on the cleaning, the help, the better attitude. Oh well, I guess I can HOPE. Not that I feel like that's doing much good now.

This is harder than anything we've done before. It's harder than either of us expected I think. I just don't know what to do when friends are teasing, relatives are disbelieving and progress goes slowly.

Oh well, I guess I could pay a therapist to listen to me. Or blog.... yea! lol.


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